Older Living Matters
Life for older people and their families can be a struggle. Just knowing where to get help or what options you may have can be hard.
Of course, many older people do not need help or care and are frustrated at the constant portrayal of the older generation as victims. But others do need help and there is no school gate for tips, no handbook - which is why OLM was established.
We know it can feel as though you are on your own, battling the system. Everyone is pressing you to make massive life-changing decisions and you do not know what to do.
OLDERLIVINGMATTERS is here to help. Written and designed by people who have been there before, OLM offers an insider's take on life in the slow lane. Everyone who writes for OLM has first hand experience of the trials and tribulations suffered by older people and their families. OLM has organised care and home care, applied for benefits, battled for funding and tried to help - with life, illness, dementia and the authorities. We have made complaints (successfully and unsuccessfully) when our parents have been treated badly and when they have suffered and died.
Sometimes cynical, sometimes angry, occasionally despairing, OLM knows what it is like for older people and families and is always a friend.
OlderLivingMatters contains essentials about the benefits, funding and options you may be able to claim
OLM is a rough guide to care homes and care - how to tell the good from the bad and how to make sure your relatives are well cared for
OLM can help you make Older Living Better with hard-won advice and information on how to make the right choices for you and how to navigate through stressful and unhappy times. OLM has been there and can say what others cannot.

For Mum and Dad
This website is dedicated to the
late Harry and Kitty Whitebloom RIP.
As with so many older people, the Whiteblooms struggled for years against a system that seemed determined to rob them of any peace or happiness. Their daughter established this website in their memory and to highlight the difficulties for older people today.
OLM doesn't have all the answers, but we have been there. This website refers to particular problems connected with life for older people in Britain, but many of these issues are universal and we hope it will be helpful;
We eventually found short cuts, solutions and easy ways to overcome problems. We learned hard lessons and how to play the system. But nothing is made easy, from trying to claim benefits to finding good care to protecting older people from harm while trying to keep your family happy;
We would do a lot differently, if we had the chance. But we don't. We used to feel overwhelmed, as though we could never do enough. Now, we know we could have been smarter and been a better help. It need not have been so stressful and possibly would not have been so harrowing and unhappy.